Mapkit in SwiftUI
To use MapKit in SwiftUI with latitude and longitude coordinates, you can follow these steps:
- Import the MapKit framework at the top of your SwiftUI file:
import MapKit
- Create a struct or class that conforms to the
protocol. This will allow you to wrap theMKMapView
and use it in SwiftUI. Here's an example implementation:
struct MapView: UIViewRepresentable {
let latitude: Double
let longitude: Double
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
MKMapView(frame: .zero)
func updateUIView(_ view: MKMapView, context: Context) {
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.2, longitudeDelta: 0.2)
let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: coordinate, span: span)
view.setRegion(region, animated: true)
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = coordinate
In the updateUIView
method, we create a CLLocationCoordinate2D
object using the given latitude and longitude. Then, we define a MKCoordinateSpan
for the region we want to display on the map. Next, we create a MKCoordinateRegion
using the coordinate and span, and set it on the map view using setRegion
. Finally, we create a MKPointAnnotation
and add it to the map view.
- In your SwiftUI view, you can now use the
struct and pass the latitude and longitude values:
struct ContentView: View {
let latitude: Double = 37.33233141
let longitude: Double = -122.0312186
var body: some View {
MapView(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
.frame(height: 300)
In this example, we’re creating a MapView
with latitude 37.33233141 and longitude -122.0312186.
That’s it! You should now see a map view with a pin representing the given latitude and longitude in your SwiftUI preview or when running the app.